Old Lazy Dog brings a different view of faith, life, and the struggles we face in the marketplace and our day to day lives…while we strive to go deeper in our faith walk, put our faith to work, and see God at work around us on a daily basis.

The Rain (27th Anniversary)

The Rain (27th Anniversary)

As we continue to celebrate the 27th Anniversary of the Old Lazy Dog Blog this week, today's is another one of my favorites. Hope you enjoy the flashback. 
Keep the Faith - Marty 
“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.”
- Ephesians 3:20-21 NLT
It seemed like the clouds just opened up, deciding to drench the world below them.

And the rains came. Steady, straight down rain. No thunder. No lightning. No wind. Just rain
As I laid in bed half asleep, waiting for the music of my alarm clock to click on, I could hear the rain falling on the roof and on the leaves of the surrounding trees. And I thought about how much I loved relaxing, rainy, lazy Spring mornings.
And then it hit me.
The DOGS!!!
We had let Jake and Mali sleep outside that pleasant Spring night… And now it was pouring down rain!
So, I jumped up just as the alarm turned on and ran to the garage… and out into the pouring rain to the back fence… opening it and calling out to my two canine friends – with hope of leading them to the dry garage (and bypass making a mess in the family room)… with hope of making it happen quickly.
One met me at the gate and high-tailed into the garage. The other meandered along slowly as if to make me pay for leaving him outside, leaving him in the down pour… finally making it to the fence… then stopping - for some reason needing to sniff and check out the shrubbery just outside the fence. Until, finally, Jake made his way into the waiting dry garage.
And I stood there… soaked by the cleansing rain… initial anger and disgust turning to laughter… and peace.
You see, at the moment when I was no longer concerned about the wet ground and the soaking rain. It became clear, that is how it is with Kingdom work… That’s how it feels after teaching, preaching, witnessing, writing, sharing, working, doing things - whatever it may be – in Jesus’ name… for Him and his glory. No longer concerned about what others might say or think or do. But doing it all in the name of Jesus. Then blessings seemingly pour out of Heaven like the rain of that day.
No, it doesn’t mean that we will win the Lottery or in some other way be made financially wealthy or successful if we share our faith… or do a good work for Christ… or even preach a wonderful sermon… But if our heart is right and we are doing what we know Jesus has called us, even lead us to do, we will be blessed. Like standing in the rain, soaked in the blessings of Heaven.
When was the last time we prayed that Jesus would be glorified in us and through us?
When was the last time we dedicated our day… our family… our career… our life… each moment to Christ?
When was the last time we prayed that Jesus would use this day for His glory… that He would reveal a need or a place where we could serve Him… where He would be revealed, both to us and to whom we are led to share with, work with, help or serve?
When was the last time we prayed that Jesus would give us the words to preach… words and courage to share our faith… words to lead others to Him… His hope… His peace… His love? Or prayed just for that kind of opportunity?
When was the last time we prayed for revival… revival in our church… in our community… in our own heart… and in the hearts of the world around us?
When was the last time that we were called outside… outside of our comfort zone… and we were soaked by His blessings… by the rain of Heaven?
Keep the Faith… Carpe Diem

Dogs Rule!

Dogs Rule!

The Cat (27th Anniversary)

The Cat (27th Anniversary)